Able, Gifted & Talented at Hadleigh High School
EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) for Year 10 students - this runs every Friday in E2/CR3 between 3pm and 5.30pm. The EPQ is by invitation and requires students to choose their own topic and independently research and complete a dissertation or scientific investigation by the end of the academic year. As well as completing a dissertation students will also visit the UEA library twice, write a learning journal each week, give a presentation on their chosen subject and undertake a review of their project. Tahe EPQ is a qualification normally taken at Sixth Form and will given students UCAS points to put towards their university application (see Mrs Woolven or Mr Pryke for more detail).
Debating Society - this is currently for Year 10 students although we are looking to extend this in the near future. Every Friday lunchtime a group of students meet to debate a topic currently hitting the headlines. This year they have argued about a range of subjects including migration and refugees, nuclear weapons, film ratings, the right to free speech. Last year they also took part a very successful mock general election, which we hope to replicate with a mock EU referendum later this term (see Mrs Woolven or Mr Pryke for more detail).
Switch Forum - for all year groups. This group meets every Tuesday and should be of interest to you if you want to make a difference to your local community and the world in general (see Mr Watkin or Mr MacRae for more detail).
Cambridge University trip for Upper School students - this will take place in the Autumn Term (see Mrs Woolven for more detail).
Key Stage 3 A,G&T day - this term's topic is 'The Greatest Moments that Shaped the World' (see Mrs Woolven for more detail).
School Shakespeare Festival for more able Year 10 students - this annual project gives students the opportunity to stage a professional performance in a local theatre - this year students performed at Dance East in Ipswich (see Mrs Reader or Mr Day for more detail).
Year 9 creative writing day (in collaboration with East Bergholt) - 15th March (see Mr Pryke and Miss Wright for details)
Year 9 and 10 ‘12 Angry Jurors’ performance for A,G&T English and Drama (see Mrs Reader or Mr Day for more detail).
Reading Challenge - this is open to all lower school students - however A,G&T students are expected to really challenge themselves with this (see any of the English teachers or Mrs Watson in the library for more detail).
Writing the Community News every month - a small group of Year 10 students meet to report events taking place within school and the community - this is a long standing project run by Mrs Reader.
A*/A GCSE masterclass - this takes place every Monday between 3pm and 4pm.
Maths Challenge - Intermediate - Thursday 4th February; Group - Thursday 3rd March; Junior - Thursday 28th April; Primary - Wednesday 6th July.
EDF trip to the local nuclear power station designed for four of our A,G&T students in December
Targted work experience opportunity in Year ten for those four A,G&T pupils identified.
Science club ran by Miss Richards for the Lower School helped by A,G&T students in the Upper School.
STEM enrichment days organsied by Mr McMillan to promote Engineering A'levels and degree choices - for example to the University of Essex.
Year 9 A,G&T Environment Day at Bildeston Primary School.
Years 7-9: lead a group when working on the local history project ‘Hadleigh Quilt’.
Year 9: Great War Memorial Project.
Year 10: New York Migration Competition.
Year 10: Cross-curricular Oxbridge Preparation Seminars.
ALL YEARS: working with and writing for the ‘Hadleigh Historian’.
Lower school - Natural disasters essay writing competition.
Designing sustainable communities competition for GCSE students and eco-homes for Year 8.
Year 7 Language Passports - A,G&T students have the chance to shine and be extended on this. This is a year long project with a prize from Celotex).
Year 8 and 9 Language Challenge - students are expected to find jokes/ blogs/create poems, etc in their chosen language. You need to have a portfolio of evidence on Froggle. This is being overseen by A,G&T students from Year 10. This is a year long projectwith a prize at the end.
Year 10 Languages Day at Farlingaye High School for German students (linked with the Goethe Institute and Cambridge University).
Additional targeted support from language assistants to extend and challenge students in Years 9 and 10.
Arsenal Double Club competition for Years 7 and 8 to create engaging activities to be delivered to Hadleigh Community Primary (Summer 2016 - see Miss Kitchingham for more detail).
Computational Thinking Week commencing 9th November.
Programming (Pi) club (starting January) run by Year 10 students.
Hadleigh High TV - Spring term.
Hour of Code.
See Miss Bakerwood or Miss Harding for more details on any of the above.
South Suffolk Cross Country Championships - A,G&T runners have the opportunity to represent Suffolk at the Eastern Counties and English Schools Championship. There is also an opportunity for those of your who excel at other track and field events.
School Sports Partnership satellite clubs for A,G&T students in hockey, basketball, cricket and trampolining.
Athletics competition at the Royal Hospital School.
Junior Sports Prefects and Sports Prefects - if you are selected for this you will be expected to run clubs within school but also support sports festivals and other events within local primary schools. You will also have the opportunity to gain coaching qualifications.
Throughout the year coaches from outside of school will come in to work with A,G&T students in a variety of sports.
There are numerous extra-curricular clubs for A,G&T students - please see the current clubs timetable for the most up-to-date information on this.
We have a busy timetable of instrumental lessons with peripatetic teachers.
Instrumentalists have several opportunities throughout the year to use their own instrument within their music lessons.
Christmas Concert at the United Reform Church.
Students have opportunities throughout the year to perform in whole school assemblies and presentation events.
Summer Term - A,G&T production for Year 9 students - performing a 30 minute adaptation of a popular musical (this will also include the direction by a GCSE Drama student).
Some of our most talented students will be performing at HadFest in the Summer Term.
Food Technology:
Demonstrations from and consultation with professional chefs on food styling and presentation (Greg Cheeseman and Cameron Marshall from The Boathouse restaurant, Dedham)